Thursday 3 March 2011

Strengths;- The model is using direct mode of adress (eye contact with the audience).
-The cover lines stand out from the background, i have used colours that do not blend in from the background. It is also a clear font which is easy to read.
- The cover lines will interest the reader, so therefore they will be more attracted to the magaazine.
- The incentive will persuade people to read and buy the magazine.
- There is the use of other pictures on the front cover of the magazine which makes it look more exciting the the picture suits the purpose of the school magazine.

- The picture looks abit to editited and dark, it could look alot more natural and lighter.
- The covers line are all to close together and there are to many of them, makes the magazine look to informative, they should be more spaced out around the front cover and there should should be less cover lines.
- There are to many colours, i did not stick to the colour scheme.
- The magazine front cover looks like it is aimed more for females, i should of used colours which appeal to both sexes.

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