Thursday 3 March 2011

3 college cover magazines

- The magazine fits the seasonal theme which is winter/christmas.
- The models on the front cover look like they enjoy learning, which fits the masthead of the magazine. The models also look like they are happy and friendly, this makes the magazine come across as humble.
- Its a meduim shot of two students in a study area, which also suit the purpose of the magazine.
- There is a set colour scheme on the front cover of the magazine which consists of red, blue and white. This is a strength because it also fits the seasonal theme.
- The cover lines and incentives are appropriate for the magazine.

- The background does not look professional and makes the front cover look scruffy.
- The models are not using direct mode of address to enage the audience.
- Some of the cover lines do not stand out from the background and therefore are unclear.
- The colour of the mast head does not fit the colour scheme or the seasonal theme.

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