Thursday 3 March 2011

- The magazine front cover looks exciting and bright.
-All the cover lines and incentives stand out and are bright, all the incentives are what the target audience are interested in and this will draw the attention of the audience. 
- On this magazine front cover there is a set colour scheme which appeals to both sexes. 
- there is a wide use of pictures on the front cover which makes it look more interesting and less informative, which important as then it will attract the audience.
- I have used the same font throughout the front cover and it is very clear and easy to read.

- There is not a back ground colour, if there was it may make the magazine look more professional and it may appeal more to the audience.
- The front cover may look to hectic, which could put people off from buying the magazine. There is too much going on.
- There are too many colours in my colour scheme, i should keep to 3 or 4 colours max in my colour scheme.
- The front cover of the magazine does not look very proffesional and does not look like it suits the purpose. I should of maybe took abit more care into creating this front cover.

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