As a part of our AS media coursework we were required to recreate a magazine so that we could understand the coventions and what was required to create a music magazine. After searching Google for appropriate magazines that I could re-create, I chose this cover for NME magazine.
I decided to use this magazine front cover because i had an available male model who had the same hair colour and facial hair, although he did not have to the same eye colour as Noel ( the male on the NME magazine ) but this was not a problem as i was able to edit the eye colour in photoshop. |
To create the magazine I had to;-
-Find a magazine that I would like to recreate.
-I then used the font 'Arial' for the title of the magazine 'NME', after that I used paint to edit the black out lines and the white background.
-Thirdly I created all the sub heading and words using the same font.
-I then took a picture of some one of the same sex (male) doing a similar pose.
-After placing everything i have created onto the page i then created the same layout.
I used photo shop to edit the picture to change my models eyes as originally they had brown eyes, as you can clearly see in the magazine that i am creating the person in the image has blue eyes